
The Dru Hill On-Line Fan Club
It's like this, yo:

When you get your password, you are considered a basic or "Silver" member. This level of membership entitles you to the basics of the club. In order to be included in the "Perks" of being a member, you must upgrade your membership to the next level, which is the "Gold" level. This level of membership entitles you to, not only the basics of the club, but also chances to become closer to Dru Hill themselves.... BUT, to become a Gold Member, you must pass a test. After a while.. there will be a certian number of people let into the next level of membership, called the Platinum Level. This level is for the special group of people who are active in club activites and are tru to their love of the Dru. This level also has a test... it's much longer and harder than the first test... but believe me, it's worth it.

Hope to see you there